Prizes? Prizes!

First off, since when I google searched for cool “prize giveaway” pictures, all that came up was a bunch of crappy coupons, I am instead going to use a photo of that crazy moose head from Evil Dead 2.


Good, now that that’s out of the way, we can move on.

This will be a brief post, but it will be enough to excite you in places you didn’t even know you had.

I am officially announcing an ongoing contest beginning right now.

On the at-the-moment to be announced November release date of Zombie Jesus & Other True Stories, we will be picking five people who have commented on our Zombie Jesus blog to win a prize. It doesn’t matter which post (including this post you’re reading right now), we will be going through every single comment on the site, and putting all the names into a drawing (authors of Zombie Jesus are disqualified, obviously). And yes, your name will be entered more than once if you comment on multiple posts. However, if you comment a bunch of times on one post, it’ll only be entered once for that post. Meaning, you get one vote for each post you comment on. Simple enough.

Four of the winners will be receiving a free e-copy of the anthology, and the fifth person will be receiving a free physical copy of the book. Also, all five winners will be receiving a free poster of the front cover of Zombie Jesus & Other True Stories — which will be revealed here shortly.

So yeah, there’s that. Make sure to spread the word to all your friends and enemies and lovers. Expect author interviews to begin Monday, as well as other miscellaneous posts that you’ll get the chance to feast upon.

And if you think that’s all the contests we’ll be having, you’re wrong.

So get ready, because this just got real.

Introduction Revealed

It’s a question we all ask ourselves. A question that has sparked countless books and movies. A question that unravels our minds and breaks all sense of reality as we know it. What if you could go back in time and change the past? What if you could shape the future as you see fit?

Would you?

What would you change?

What if you traveled back and killed little baby Hitler? Or caused the South to win the Civil War?

What  kind of country would we live in now? Would it be better, or worse? What horrors are awaiting out there in our past, that we just barely avoided?

Forget killing baby Hitler. What if you went back and, knowing what you know today, helped him WIN the war? Where would we be today? We would live in a world that most can’t even imagine without shedding a few tears. We would be in hell.

Think about it. We’ve all read the history books. We all know the stories. But we don’t know it all. We don’t know what the authors let out, or what almost happened but didn’t. And we never will.

Time slips away from us all. Knowledge becomes fuzzy. Our sight of what is true is lost.

Put back on your glasses. Look into what is real.

Stare into those stars of time and ask yourself, what if John Wilkes Booth had a good reason for killing Lincoln? A reason kept secret to protect the innocent; a reason so sinister that it would turn your hair white as light.

What if Jack the Ripper was the protagonist of his life story, and he was only trying to save the world from the apocalypse?

What if there was an agency somewhere out there, responsible for the death of every single celebrity?

What if the Titanic wasn’t just carrying the living?

What if there was more than just lava that erupted from Mount St. Helens?

What if, what if, WHAT IF!?

The questions are endless, and the answers are even more infinite. This is a book that attempts to satisfy some of these questions. This is a book that doesn’t just ask “what if?”, but punches you right in the face with new worlds you could have never conceived. We took your old history book and dipped it in a bucket of white-out and began from scratch.

This isn’t life as you know it. This is life as you don’t know it.

Stephen King once said that the past is obdurate. And that’s true, the past is indeed obdurate.

Reality, however, is not.

—Max Booth III

Table of Contents

As the anticipation for November grows stronger, let me do the honor of once again announcing the table of contents for Zombie Jesus & Other True stories–an anthology guaranteed to punch you in the nuts and/or lady parts with awesomeness. Assuming you’re into that sort of thing…


  1. “Damned” by Cody Langille
  2. “The Hunger Beneath the Sea” by T. Fox Dunham
  3. “Saving Cloud-Girl” by Eric J. Hildeman
  4. “Culture Sculptor” by Charlie Fish
  5. “Partners” by Ian Welke
  6. “The Hopeful Doctor” by E.F. Schraeder
  7. Sic Semper Versipellis” by Christian A. Larsen
  8. “Auction” by James Hoch
  9. “The Darwin Line” by James Ciscell
  10. “Victoria, Victoria” by K.M. Indovina
  11. “Those That Knock” by Morgen Knight
  12. “The Journal of USS Indianapolis Survivor: Stefanos “Stevie” Georgiou” by Kevin James Breaux
  13. “Avoid Seeing a Mouse” by James S. Dorr
  14. “The Golgotha Fight Song” by Barrie Darke
  15. “Legends” by Kristopher Triana