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By The Time You Read This Interview, K.M. Indovina Will Probably Already Be Asleep

K.M. Indovina’s short story, “Victoria, Victoria” brings home a reality close to everyone’s fears: censorship. Also, it answers the question of just how cute would an army of cloned Queen Victorias actually be. SPOILER ALERT: kind of cute; also, incredibly terrifying. Check out the interview she was nice enough to participate in, and be sure to comment below if you want to enter our ongoing contest (details HERE).

So, who the hell are you, and why should we listen to you?

My name is Katherine. I’m a writer. You should listen to me because I am right behind you.

Do you have any other jobs besides writing?

I sleep.
In all seriousness, writing is my one and only job.

Your story must have been awesome to have been chosen over the hundreds of other submissions I received. What made you choose the topic you wrote about?

I saw that Dark Moon had a historical fiction/horror anthology open to submissions. I stared off into space for a while. I took a nap. I may have thought about the fact my life was in shambles. As I did this, the chant, “Victoria, Victoria” popped into my head. I did some research on Victorian undergarments and wrote the story.

Did you enjoy history class as a child? What would you have changed about the teaching process that would’ve interested you more back then?

I did enjoy history class. Exercises in empathy would have been fun such as:
Peasant for a day. Send children off into the woods during winter with nothing but a potato sack and a raging case of dysentery.
Play games called “Who Can You Trust?” They’re a member of the aristocracy in nascent Europe. The first person who figures out you can’t trust anyone and survives wins.

Forget the teaching process. What would you change about history itself? Let’s say you were handed over a time machine with a Post-it note reading “HAVE AT IT, BUCKO”, and you were able to change one thing that would shape the world as you know it. What would that be, and why? Excluding the whole mandatory Hitler answer, o’course.

The automobile industry gutting public transportation in the early twentieth century. As someone who cannot drive and cannot get around on a bike, the lack of accessible public transportation is a bummer.
Okay, let’s forget about that too. Let’s say you didn’t give a crap about changing history, and you just wanted to go back in time and challenge a certain historical figure to a fight. Who would it be? And why?

Nietzsche. He was one of the progenitors for every contradictory person on the planet now with an internet connection and a grudge.
I’d probably push him once, feel bad, and then give him a hug.

What would be your weapon of choice?

A plate of spitzbuben.

Before we go, do you have any upcoming projects you’d like to talk about?

I have upcoming collections with Pro Se Press, Good Guy Publishing, and a novel on the way.

You can read more from K.M. on her blog, Twitter (@kmindovina), and FaceBook.

One response to “By The Time You Read This Interview, K.M. Indovina Will Probably Already Be Asleep

  1. I had to Google spitzbuben. Looks like a yummy weapon

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